Arithmetic and Logical Instructions

In all instructions below, Src2 can either be a register or an immediate value (a 16 bit integer). The immediate forms of the instructions are only included for reference. The assembler will translate the more general form of an instruction (e.g., add) into the immediate form (e.g., addi) if the second argument is constant.

abs Rdest, RsrcAbsolute Value
Put the absolute value of the integer from register Rsrc in register Rdest.

add Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Addition (with overflow)
addi Rdest, Rsrc1, ImmAddition Immediate (with overflow)
addu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Addition (without overflow)
addiu Rdest, Rsrc1, ImmAddition Immediate (without overflow)
Put the sum of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest.

and Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2AND
andi Rdest, Rsrc1, ImmAND Immediate
Put the logical AND of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest.

div Rsrc1, Rsrc2Divide (with overflow)
divu Rsrc1, Rsrc2Divide (without overflow)
Divide the contents of the two registers. Leave the quotient in register lo and the remainder in register hi. Note that if an operand is negative, the remainder is unspecified by the MIPS architecture and depends on the conventions of the machine on which SPIM is run.

div Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Divide (with overflow)
divu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Divide (without overflow)
Put the quotient of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest.

mul Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Multiply (without overflow)

mulo Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Multiply (with overflow)
mulou Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Unsigned Multiply (with overflow)
Put the product of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest.

mult Rsrc1, Rsrc2Multiply
multu Rsrc1, Rsrc2Unsigned Multiply
Multiply the contents of the two registers. Leave the low-order word of the product in register lo and the high-word in register hi.

neg Rdest, RsrcNegate Value (with overflow)
negu Rdest, RsrcNegate Value (without overflow)
Put the negative of the integer from register Rsrc into register Rdest.

nor Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2NOR
Put the logical NOR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest.

not Rdest, RsrcNOT
Put the bitwise logical negation of the integer from register Rsrc into register Rdest.

or Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2OR
ori Rdest, Rsrc1, ImmOR Immediate
Put the logical OR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest.

rem Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Remainder
remu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Unsigned Remainder
Put the remainder from dividing the integer in register Rsrc1 by the integer in Src2 into register Rdest. Note that if an operand is negative, the remainder is unspecified by the MIPS architecture and depends on the conventions of the machine on which SPIM is run.

rol Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Rotate Left
ror Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Rotate Right
Rotate the contents of register Rsrc1 left (right) by the distance indicated by Src2 and put the result in register Rdest.

sll Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Shift Left Logical
sllv Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2Shift Left Logical Variable
sra Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Shift Right Arithmetic
srav Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2Shift Right Arithmetic Variable
srl Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Shift Right Logical
srlv Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2Shift Right Logical Variable
Shift the contents of register Rsrc1 left (right) by the distance indicated by Src2 (Rsrc2) and put the result in register Rdest.

sub Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Subtract (with overflow)
subu Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2Subtract (without overflow)
Put the difference of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest.

xor Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2XOR
xori Rdest, Rsrc1, ImmXOR Immediate
Put the logical XOR of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest.